Monday, April 21, 2008

Lots of growth. Really hard.

Man, oh man.

I spent this last weekend at Pine Cove, where I worked last summer and this coming summer. Now I'm super excited to go back! And everybody knows that school is depressing, so that didn't really help my will to come back and finish strong. But I'm going to do it, I am.

I want an Oompa Loompa NOW, daddy. <--- Have you ever played Boxers or Briefs? It's really fun. Game night at PC. Funny phrases, we'll have to play sometime.

'Under the Sea' just came on my ipod. Hahaha. But you have to admit, Disney movies have undisputed quality songs. Just say it.

So, you may have noticed on my facebook page that I've recently starred in a horror movie. Gruesome. I haven't seen it yet, I'm excited! Everyone dies. :( But the blood is gooey and makes for good pictures.

Read Luke 11. Also, think about The Lord's Prayer. It can get so routine but it's really incredible. I don't know about y'all, but sometimes I feel like my prayers should be a certain thing or way, but Luke 11 and Matthew 6 (I think) really speaks to your prayer life and opened my eyes a lot last night. I could go on for a while but you should just read it and let me know what you think.

Well, it's officially 10:45, regardless of what blogspot might say, because it's always wrong. So, it's also officially the time I should get my bike and head to the dance building for jazz. Starting my final dance routine TODAY! Yay, it makes me feel like it's almost over.

Hahaha, I just thought of something. And if you're familiar with LBK, you should appreciate this. This time of the school year is like Roscoe. You reach Roscoe and your mind says YAY, I'm almost to Lubbock, but then you keep driving and it goes....on....forever...but you'll make it eventually. Promise...Sweetwater...Post...Lubbock


Anonymous said...

what is boxers or briefs?

Britton Peele said...

Why'd you give away the ending to the horror movie, saying everybody dies? :( Now I don't wanna see it :-P

Alyssa B said...
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Alyssa B said...

I love being inside your brain. :)

"I can show you the world, shining shimmering splendor..."

Forrest said...

This is cool, Maggie. Cool cool. Cool cool cool cool cool. It's exciting that you've started a blog on ye olde blogger. She's better and more beautiful than facebook.


Anonymous said...

i wrote in your book today. i'm gonna visit you and mike this summer. im excited.


Jennifer said...

can we really play boxers or briefs sometime? that'd be fantastic.... also, I think your horror pictures are pretty hot. and sticky. and bloody. seriously.