Monday, March 17, 2008

Rockin' the Suburbs...

Ooooh Deer Park.

It's tiny. NO ONE lives here. Well, actually most of my friends from high school were on Spring Break last week, and so it's super boring. Needless to say 'I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go'. Haha, I'm actually all dressed up with about 11 Lost episodes to watch. And my sister just got back from California, so she'll be entertaining me shortly. Until then, I have her little puppy...Murfee, to play with. This place is insufferable. Hahahaha. It's insufferability is exhausting. That probably explains how I can go to bed early and wake up late and still feel tired in the least.

At least I have my bike here! I might go explore this tiny little city tomorrow on my bike.

Also, I'm off to Tyler tomorrow to visit my sister at school, and some friends from summer camp. That'll be fun for 2 days.

Has anyone ever been to Fredericksburg? It's this small German town and it's quite adorable. There were a lot of tourists there when I drove through it on my way to San Antonio. I want to stop there sometime.

Speaking of San Antiono, one of my best friends lives there and I got to visit her this weekend! It was our friend, Stuart's birthday (I guess I can say 'our friend'. I only him because Leslie lives in SA, but...I mean, we are friends.) Anyway, it was a lot of fun. We mainly sat around playing games, but they're more creative and hilarious than you would imagine. Hopefully, we can play these games together one day. Then, I got to go to her huge, wonderful church on Sunday. She's an intern there and it was interesting to be around junior high/high schoolers again...they're smaller than I remember. Stuart talked about reminded me of one of my favorite Veggie Tales songs...

"We could use him as a chessboard or a table to play scrabble on, and tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Babylon."


This was random and boring, but quite a perfect example of my life at the moment. So, if you're bored to tears by this...have sympathy. Call me. If you're in Deer Park or not, cause I'm probably doing nothing.

Much love.



Anonymous said...

That bored huh? Tropical Chill is open. The pina colada with cream is great.

Anonymous said...

aww, the wonderful boredum of spring break. This week is my week where we turn in all my projects. Its stressful so i'm waiting to be free. I'm going snow boarding for spring break, i think thatll be fun.
Small town huh? Always wanted to live in one of those.

Anonymous said...

dude fredericksburg is right next to luckenbach...where everyone is someone...or something like that...hahaha there's a sweet park there-leslie