Monday, September 22, 2008

My heart is a crowded place.

I recognize this is a long post for the casual readers. So, here's a key...

a) random.
b) spanish.
c) music.
d) the states, my dears.
e) you.
g) palabras in spanish.
h) flamenco.

a) My blog is asking me why I don't wear scarves and telling me that my neck feels naked (who cares?), but funny that they ask, because...I've become a little bit obsessed with pashimas -- mine is kind of that color, too -- while in Spain. I bought a beautiful one in Granada, which according to Jennifer "compliments my eyes and skin tone and really, truly enhances my look as a whole." Well, I feel like that's what I'm going for anytime I put anything, one point for me.

b) I think all the Spanish women went shopping in my 7th grade closet, because their clothes are about that big, on fully grown bodies, and from 1999...awesome. UNLESS, they're going to a wedding and then, they seriously could walk down a fashion runway in 1923. 

c) Levi Smith. Really, sometimes I just really get hooked on music and I am for sure. I'm listening to his myspace right now (I know, myspace, 9th grade...) and I love it. You know it's a good song if you like it the first time you listen to it. 
Try...I'd Like To Think So, Bitterness is Sexy, That's What I Meant By Goodbye, Lay Me To Waste...

d) There are so many things in The States that I took for granted before coming to Spain. And more than wanting to stay in Spain, I want to go back and appreciate all that I have. I was reading my first post about how much I'll change...little did I know, I'll be fighting a lot of those changes. 

Why didn't I think about that? 

Think about: Stores that never close vs. every store ever being closed on Sunday and during siestas (3pm - 6pm). Walking everywhere vs. Driving everywhere. A freaking hamburger. No exchange rate. Phone calls that aren't charged by the minute. Protestant Churches. Understanding the news about your home and Ike...impossible. Having more than 28 friends that speak English.

...let me clarify. I have the best legs ever from all the walking. I love the 28 Americans I'm with right now. Siestas rock. The rest of it really does suck...

e) Do you feel grown-up? When does it happen? Do I want it to? Nahhh...

f) I'm going to Venice, Paris, Switzerland and Greece. Ask me if I'll have any money when I get back. So, so, so, so worth it. 

g) Whether or not I'm fluent depends on who I'm talking to. Team 1607 (love you two) YES. A Sevillian with a thick accent and no idea that I'm catching every 6 words...hell. no. Hahahaha. 
Two things that I've recently learned about the language and am loving...
1) Lots of big, more "complicated words" in Spanish...let's take revolution for example, are practically, revolucion--the o has an accent--. Love it, I can usually guess those.
2) Lots of times a noun is just the verb in a slightly different form. 
The forgotten: Los olvidados, verb: olvidar. Holla!

h) OH MY GATO! I bought a Flamenco poster with my name on it! Well, my Spanish name...Margarita Isabel...I'm so excited about putting it up in my room/house when I get back!

You're right here. Love you.



Jennifer said...

I always feel like I ought to comment on your blog, even though we're going thru such similar things. And even though you're sitting next ot me right now.

midnightrunner said...

Aww Maggie I miss you so much! If I could send you a cheeseburger I would!

Alyssa B said...

Oh my cat?

Maggie Elizabeth said...

oh my gato? the spaniards say it. isnt that funny!

Anonymous said...

Haha that is hilarious...oh my gato!

I'm going to send you a message on facebook about who I think all the spaniards dress like...jajaja

So this whole thing about catching every 6 words when talking to someone who was born and raised speaking espanol is totally my feeling about it right now. It's like i'm in Spain for 50 minutes every Monday Wednesday and Friday...speaking to a native or mainly listening...take me back to high school and I would be so fluent! Of course everyone speaks english so I could make it up and no one would know, ha! Ok, come home now...I miss you!! I think I'll call you soon...I really do miss you a lot...ok I'm not gonna tear up in the comp lab...What are you doing this weekend???

L bone